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HKCNSA joined the International Symposium On Cyber Policing,worked together to build cyber security

From September 13th to 15th, 2023, the International Symposium On Cyber Policing organized by the Hong Kong Police Force was held in the Island Shangri-La in Admiralty. The forum attracted police leaders, experts, and scholars from approximately 40 countries and regions in fields such as telecommunications, innovative technologies, and finance. The aim of the forum was to discuss public policies, law enforcement strategies, and legislation related to technological advancements. Mr. Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qianxin Group, and his team were invited to attend the forum. At the forum, Mr. Qi delivered a speech entitled "Aiming for Zero Accidents: Ensuring Safe Policing in the Digital Era". In addition, Dr. Frank Law, Assistant Commissioner of the Hong Kong Police Force, and Director of the Cyber ​​Security Policing Committee of the Hong Kong China Network Security Association (HKCNSA), as well as representatives from the HKCNSA, including Mr. David Ip, Mr. Julian Zhu, and Mr. Dicky Wong, were also invited to attend the forum.

Dr. Frank Law, Assistant Commissioner of the Hong Kong Police Force (second from right), association representatives Mr. David Ip,(third from left), Mr. Julian Zhu,(second from left), Mr. Dicky Wong (first from right) and Mr. Yin Qin (first from left) jointly attended this forum

Mr. David Ip, founding president of the HKCNSA, was invited to attend a forum and had in-depth discussions with Mr. Raymond Siu, Commissioner of the Hong Kong Police Force. Mr. David Ip elaborated on the mission and goals of the association, emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity. This exchange made Mr. Siu better understand the association, and both parties will further enhance communication and cooperation to promote the development of cybersecurity.

Mr. Raymond Siu, Commissioner of the Hong Kong Police Force, (fifth from left), representatives of the CSTCB(first to third from right), Mr. Han Zhengguang, Vice President of Qianxin Group (fourth from left) and his team (first to third from left), together with Mr. David Ip (fourth from right), founding president of the HKCNSA.
Mr. Raymond Siu, Commissioner of the Hong Kong Police Force, (fourth from left), representatives of the CSTCB(first to third from right), Mr. Han Zhengguang, Vice President of Qianxin Group (third from left) and his team, together with Mr. David Ip (fourth from right), founding president of the HKCNSA.

Mr. Eric Chan, Chief Secretary for Administration of HK, delivering a speech at the opening ceremony.
Mr. Eric Chan, Chief Secretary for Administration of HK, delivering a speech at the opening ceremony.

Mr. Eric Chan, Chief Secretary for Administration, delivering a speech at the opening ceremony, stating that the cybersecurity threats and cybercrimes are issues of concern across all industries. They are not inherently localized but cross geographical boundaries. Therefore, law enforcement agencies from different countries need to cooperate to combat cross-border cybercrimes and promote exchange of experiences.

Mr. Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qianxin Group, delivering a speech at the forum.
Mr. Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qianxin Group, delivering a speech at the forum.

During the forum, Mr. Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qianxin Group, delivered a speech. He pointed out that in the face of increasingly challenging cybersecurity environment, law enforcement departments should enhance their cybersecurity capabilities in five aspects: integrating an internal security system into police system construction, strengthening data security defenses, establishing a cybersecurity operations center, utilizing intelligent means to accurately combat cybercrimes, and exploring the application of "AI + Security" to ensure the safe and stable operation of police systems.

In the future, the HKCNSA will continue to promote research and practice in information security, strengthen cooperation with various parties, jointly tackle the increasingly complex and severe cybersecurity challenges, and contribute to the construction of a secure and stable online environment.


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