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Heavyweight! Shenzhen Launches 20 Measures to Support the Development of Private Economy

Shenzhen Launches 20 Measures to Support the Development of Private Economy
Shenzhen Launches 20 Measures to Support the Development of Private Economy

On July 19th, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy", proposing 31 specific measures, covering the development environment, policy support, legal protection, and promoting the healthy growth of private economy personnel.

Shenzhen has also recently launched a series of policy measures, including the official release of three major optimization work plans for the business environment on August 7th, aiming to establish a market-oriented, legal, and internationalized first-class business environment.

These measures focus on promoting high-quality development of the platform economy and cultivating characteristic industrial clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises, proposing 20 specific measures to address the problems in enterprise development and take precise and powerful measures to accelerate the release of the development momentum of private enterprises.

The following are some measures for promoting the growth, optimization, and strength of the private economy:

1、 Promote high-quality development of platform economy.

2、 Cultivate characteristic industrial clusters for small and medium-sized enterprises.

3、 Accelerate the opening up of application scenarios.

4、 Stimulate the technological innovation vitality of private enterprises.

5、 Strengthen financing support for private enterprises.

6、 Support the participation of private capital in major project construction.

7、 Support private enterprises in bidding and tendering.

8、 Improve the fair competition review mechanism.

9、 Optimize the unified market access environment.

10、 Support private enterprises in expanding overseas markets.

11、 Optimize the credit service mechanism.

12、 Accelerate the construction of enterprise compliance demonstration zones.

13、 Adhere to the principle that there must be a case and a lawsuit must be resolved.

14、 To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises in criminal cases involving foreign interests in accordance with the law.

15、 Promote standardized and civilized supervision and law enforcement.

16、 Intensify efforts to clear up outstanding accounts of private enterprises.

17、 Comprehensively build a pro Qing political business relationship.

18、 Support industry business associations to build government enterprise communication platforms.

19、 Optimize the level of serving private entrepreneurs.

20、 Vigorously cultivate and promote the spirit of outstanding entrepreneurs.

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